
​“Mayors for Peace” sent to the USA a letter of protest against nuclear tests


​“Mayors for Peace” sent to the USA a letter of protest against nuclear tests

One of the organizations for intercity cooperation that Volgograd is a member of, is the International Conference of Mayors for Peace.

With the city of Hiroshima – this first city in the world to be subjected to an atomic bombing – as its President, the “Mayors for Peace” consider the elimination of nuclear weapons to be an inalienable condition of the local leaders’ joint struggle for peace.
Parallelly to this, “Mayors for Peace” pursue more local goals: to make cities more sustainable and capable of fighting against their local issues (extremism included), learn how to live and resolve the problems in accordance with the culture of Peace and Mutual Understanding.
However, in the end of the previous week, “Mayors for Peace” had to confront the topic of nuclear weapons face-on: the organization’s Secretariat learned that in November 2020 the United States of America had conducted a subcritical (that is, low-impact and without actual nuclear explosion) nuclear test.
On January 17, the Mayor of Hiroshima and the President of “Mayors for Peace” Mr. Kazumi Matsui sent to the US President Donald Trump a letter of protest. Its text can also be found on the organization’s official website:
Let us be reminded that the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), was opened for signature in 1996, but never entered into force. Still, its parties, including Russia and the USA, have undertaken not to carry out any nuclear tests (see more details at the RBK website).

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