
Same or Different: how to manage your time (a new video by a team of economy students)


Same or Different: how to manage your time (a new video by a team of economy students)

We are offering your today a new video from the series of works by the participants of the online project "Same or Different: Topical Social and Cultural Problems of Youth in Russia and Germany".

The video in question is focused on the ever-relevant issue of managing your studies, work and free time, and its authors are an all-girls team from the Department of Economics at the Volgograd Institute of Managements – RANEPA branch: Elina Kalmykova, Elizaveta Bukova, Amalia Shengalieva, Irina Ryabova and Sabrina Mohammad Omar.

The full video is available at the link:

What was your inspiration for taking part in the project?

"What inspired us to take part in the project is the high relevance of the topic itself. The lack of time and the inability to properly allocate it to each and every thing requiring our attention is a problem that every student has to face. We decided that we could help by sharing some tips that we ourselves use most actively".

What is the most common thing preventing you, personally, from keeping the correct daily routine?

"Unforeseen situations are bound to occur sometimes, and it is not in our power to control everything. Plans can change, and the whole daily routine will have to change, too, as a result, but we don't get upset when it happens. What matters in such situations is to be able to regain your composure and reschedule everything quickly so that, in the end, everything is still done on time".

Which of your own pieces of advice is the easiest and hardest for you to follow?

"The most difficult thing is to get a proper amount of sleep for our body needs to recover and regain its strength. Because, unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to allocate our time, most often there is not enough of it to do everything mentioned on the agenda. Therefore, sometimes, we have no choice but to work until late at night, until we are through with the task at hand. The easiest advice to follow is about the importance of getting enough rest, because taking some time off work is what everyone loves most anyway. Besides, such breaks also help us relax and take away some of the tension that builds up during all the time we spend busy with something".

Did you manage to find a part-time job using the method described in your video – maybe even a job that's in line with your future area of work? How important do you think it is to find a job in line with your major while you are still a student?

"At the moment, we are only in the 2nd year of our studies, and so have not considered taking up a major-related job. It is quite difficult to work and study full time simultaneously. First of all, because there are only full time jobs available, when it comes to our area, and since we are studying in the daytime, they are not an option to us. And after the studies are over, everyone will choose their own path in life. Some of us will pursue the careers they studied for, but someone may not. It all depends on one's opportunities and personal desires".

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