
Komsomol Garden in a guided tour by Ekaterina Abakumova (VIM RANEPA branch)


Komsomol Garden in a guided tour by Ekaterina Abakumova (VIM RANEPA branch)

In the new article about the "Nostalgia Tourist" we would like to introduce to you the next amateur tour guide: a first-year student of the Volgograd Institute of Management – RANEPA branch Ekaterina Abakumova.

Ekaterina was born and grew up in Volgograd, so she knows all the interesting places in our city. In her video, she is talking about the Komsomol Garden, also known as the "central children park": before the pandemic came, most Volgograd residents remembered it for its amusements rides and the unforgettable "animals plus ticket counters".

What reasoning would you use to persuade your foreign friends to visit Volgograd?

Ekaterina Abakumova: What goes undoubted and unchallenged is that Volgograd streets are works of art. The combination of Soviet constructions and modern multifloored buildings is something majestic and unforgettable. I can definitely promise that foreign guests will love Volgograd's landscape, especially at night.

If you had one day to yourself in a completely unknown city, where would you go or what would you do first?

Ekaterina Abakumova: I can spend hours exploring not only the famous landmarks, but also the regular streets and neighborhoods of the other towns. And if it is a whole new country we are talking about, I would go on search of tasty local treats and traditional dishes. What can be more interesting than studying the traditions that are so cardinally different from the Russian ones?

The video by Ekaterina Abakumova is waiting for you on YouTube:

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