

Jilin is situated in the Jilin province on the bank of the Songhua River.

The power station located on it has granted the city two “manmade” miracles at once: its construction led to creating the picturesque Songhua Hu Lake, and the river’s constantly positive temperature – even in winter – results in a freezing mist covering the nearby trees in a thin layer of ice. The result is the view deemed one of the four Chinese Natural Miracles.

The twinning relations between Volgograd and Jilin have been established in 1994.

Jilin representatives have repeatedly taken part in Volgograd’s international forums, accentuating the economic cooperation component, and in 2015 the commercial contacts were established between the food industries of the two cities.

1994 - Договор о дружественных связях между Волгоградом и Гирином (Цзилинем).jpg
2001 - глава Китайского правительства Цзян Цзэминь в Зале воинской славы на Мамаевом Кургане.jpg
2015 - Делегация Цзилиня на Площади Павших борцов.JPG
2015 - делегация Цзилиня на праздновании Дня Победы.JPG
2019 - ученики МОУ СШ №54 проходят посвящение в пионеры в Цзилине.jpg
Правительственная делегация из города Цзилинь (Китай) в Волгограде.jpg

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